
Illuminate Your Bedroom: Floating Bed Frames with Lights

Your bedroom is your sanctuary, a place where you can unwind and recharge after a long day. Creating a serene and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom is essential for a good night’s sleep. One way to achieve this is by incorporating floating bed frames with lights into your bedroom decor. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of floating bed frames with lights, discuss different styles and designs, and provide useful tips for choosing the perfect one for your bedroom.

Benefits of Floating Bed Frames with Lights

Ambient Lighting

Floating bed frames with lights offer ambient lighting that can transform the mood of your bedroom. The soft glow creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere, perfect for winding down before sleep or setting a romantic ambiance.

Space-Saving Design

Floating bed frames are an excellent choice for small bedrooms or those looking to maximise space. The absence of traditional legs or bulky frames gives the illusion of a floating bed, making the room appear more spacious and airy.

Aesthetically Pleasing

These bed frames are visually appealing and can serve as a focal point in your bedroom. The combination of a suspended bed and integrated lighting creates a modern and stylish look, adding a touch of elegance to your space.

Customization Options 

Floating bed frames with lights come in a variety of styles, materials, and sizes, allowing you to find the perfect match for your bedroom decor. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a more elaborate one, there is a floating bed frame to suit every taste.

Different Styles and Designs

Minimalist Elegance

For those who appreciate simplicity, a minimalist floating bed frame with built-in LED lights can create a sleek and sophisticated look. Opt for clean lines and neutral colours to achieve a minimalist aesthetic.

Rustic Charm

If you prefer a more rustic or farmhouse-style bedroom, consider a floating bed frame made from reclaimed wood. Paired with warm, soft lighting, this combination will create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

Modern Glamour

To add a touch of glamour and luxury to your bedroom, choose a floating bed frame with a plush upholstered headboard and LED lights. This style creates a dramatic effect, especially when combined with rich, jewel-toned fabrics.

Futuristic Vibes

For a truly unique and futuristic bedroom, opt for a floating bed frame with built-in RGB lights. These beds allow you to customise the colour and intensity of the lighting, creating an immersive and visually striking experience.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Floating Bed Frame with Lights

  • Consider Your Bedroom Size: Before purchasing a floating bed frame, measure your bedroom to ensure it will fit comfortably. Take into account the dimensions of the bed, including the headboard and any additional lighting features.
  • Evaluate Lighting Options: Different bed frames offer varying lighting options, from simple ambient lighting to programmable RGB lights. Consider your preferences and the desired ambiance you want to create in your bedroom.
  • Quality and Durability: Invest in a high-quality floating bed frame that will withstand the test of time. Look for sturdy construction and durable materials to ensure your bed frame remains stable and secure.
  • Installation and Maintenance: Check the installation requirements and consider whether you are comfortable with the assembly process. Additionally, consider the maintenance required for the lighting components, such as changing bulbs or adjusting settings.


1. Can I install the lights on my existing bed frame?

In some cases, it may be possible to retrofit lights onto your existing bed frame. However, it is recommended to consult a professional to ensure proper installation and electrical safety.

2. Are floating bed frames with lights suitable for all mattress sizes?

Floating bed frames are available in various sizes, including single, double, queen, and king

sizes. It is essential to choose a floating bed frame that matches the dimensions of your mattress to ensure a proper fit and support.

3. Are floating bed frames with lights safe?

Floating bed frames with lights are designed with safety in mind. However, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use. If you have any concerns, it is advisable to consult a professional electrician for proper electrical wiring and installation.

4. Can I adjust the intensity of the lights?

Depending on the model and design, some floating bed frames offer adjustable lighting options. This allows you to customise the brightness and intensity of the lights according to your preference and mood.


Transform your bedroom into a tranquil and stylish oasis with a floating bed frame with lights. These innovative and visually striking bed frames offer ambient lighting, space-saving design, and customization options to suit any bedroom decor. 

Consider the size, lighting options, quality, and installation requirements when choosing the perfect floating bed frame for your sanctuary. Embrace the serene and inviting atmosphere that comes with a floating bed frame with lights and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.


Discover the Elegance and Comfort of Queen Size Floating Bed Frames

When it comes to creating a tranquil and inviting bedroom space, the bed takes centre stage. A well-designed bed not only serves as a comfortable retreat but also enhances the overall aesthetics of the room. 

If you’re looking to elevate your sleeping experience and add a touch of elegance to your bedroom, a queen size floating bed frame might be just what you need. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of floating bed frames, exploring their benefits, style options, and how they can transform your sleep sanctuary.

What is a Floating Bed Frame?

A floating bed frame is a unique piece of furniture that creates the illusion of a bed suspended in mid-air. It achieves this effect by utilising hidden supports or legs that are strategically placed out of sight, giving the impression that the bed is floating. This design concept adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any bedroom.

Benefits of Queen Size Floating Bed Frames

1. Enhanced Aesthetics

One of the primary benefits of a queen size floating bed frame is its ability to enhance the visual appeal of your bedroom. With no visible legs or supports, the bed appears sleek and modern, creating a clean and uncluttered look. This minimalist design aesthetic complements various interior styles, from contemporary to Scandinavian.

2. Utilising Space Efficiently

Floating bed frames are excellent space savers. By eliminating the need for bulky box springs or visible bed legs, they create an illusion of more space, making your bedroom feel larger and more open. This is particularly advantageous in smaller bedrooms or apartments where maximising space is essential.

3. Improved Comfort and Sleep Quality

Queen size floating bed frames are not only visually pleasing but also offer excellent comfort. The absence of box springs allows for better weight distribution and support, leading to improved spinal alignment and reduced pressure points. This can result in a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Style Options for Queen Size Floating Bed Frames

1. Modern Minimalism

If you’re a fan of clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic, you’ll love the modern style of floating bed frames. These frames often feature sleek, straight edges and a simple design that seamlessly blends with contemporary interiors. Opt for materials like polished wood or metal to achieve a sophisticated and understated look.

2. Luxurious Upholstery

For those seeking a touch of luxury and indulgence, upholstered floating bed frames are an excellent choice. These frames are adorned with plush fabrics or leather, adding a sense of opulence and comfort to your bedroom. Choose from a range of colours and textures to match your personal style and create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

3. Customizable Features

Queen size floating bed frames offer a range of customization options to suit your preferences. From built-in storage compartments to integrated lighting, you can tailor your bed frame to meet your specific needs. These additional features not only enhance the functionality of your bed but also add a touch of convenience and practicality to your sleeping space.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Floating Bed Frames

1. Regular Cleaning and Dusting

To keep your floating bed frame looking its best, it’s essential to perform regular cleaning and dusting. Use a soft cloth or microfiber duster to remove dust and debris from the frame’s surfaces. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the materials.

2. Checking for Loose Fasteners

Periodically inspect your bed frame for any loose fasteners or connections. Tighten them if necessary to maintain the stability and integrity of the frame. This step ensures that your bed remains secure and safe for use.

3. Protecting the Frame from Moisture

To prolong the lifespan of your floating bed frame, protect it from moisture. Avoid placing drinks or wet items directly on the frame, as this can lead to water damage or discolouration. In case of spills or accidents, clean them promptly and thoroughly to prevent any long-term effects.


1. How does a floating bed frame create the illusion of floating?

Floating bed frames utilise hidden supports or legs that are strategically placed out of sight, giving the impression that the bed is floating.

2. Are floating bed frames stable and secure?

Yes, floating bed frames are constructed using sturdy materials and are designed to provide stability and security while giving the illusion of floating.

3. Can floating bed frames support any type of mattress?

Yes, floating bed frames can accommodate various mattress types, including memory foam, hybrid, latex, and traditional spring mattresses.

4. Do I need a special kind of mattress for a floating bed frame?

No, you can use a standard mattress on a floating bed frame. However, it’s important to ensure that the mattress size matches the dimensions of the frame.

5. How do I clean and maintain a floating bed frame?

To clean a floating bed frame, use a soft cloth or microfiber duster to remove dust and debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the frame. Additionally, periodically check for loose fasteners and protect the frame from moisture.


Queen size floating bed frames provide a special mix of beauty, cosiness, and practicality. You can choose from various styles, whether you prefer a sleek modern appearance or a lavish upholstered frame, so there’s something to suit everyone’s preferences.

Upgrade your bedroom to a fashionable and peaceful retreat by getting a queen size floating bed frame today. You’ll get to experience the elegance, comfort, and enchantment of a bed that seems to effortlessly float in the air.


Transform Your Bedroom with Stylish King Size Floating Bed Frames

Your bedroom is a sanctuary where you relax, unwind, and recharge. It deserves a touch of elegance and sophistication. One way to achieve this is by incorporating a stylish king size floating bed frame. 

These modern bed frames not only enhance the aesthetics of your bedroom but also provide numerous practical benefits. In this article, we will explore the world of king size floating bed frames and show you how they can transform your bedroom into a luxurious retreat.

What are King Size Floating Bed Frames?

King size floating bed frames are innovative pieces of furniture that appear to be suspended in mid-air. Unlike traditional bed frames, they don’t rely on visible support legs.

Instead, they use a hidden mounting system or sturdy wall brackets to create the illusion of a floating bed. This unique design adds an element of modernity and elegance to any bedroom decor.

Advantages of King Size Floating Bed Frames

Increased Floor Space

One of the biggest advantages of king size floating bed frames is their space-saving design. By eliminating visible legs, these frames create a sense of openness and give the illusion of a larger room. This is particularly beneficial for smaller bedrooms or spaces where you want to maximise floor space.

Easy Cleaning and Maintenance 

Traditional bed frames with legs can accumulate dust and clutter underneath, making it difficult to clean. With floating bed frames, cleaning becomes a breeze as there are no obstructions or hard-to-reach areas. Simply sweep or vacuum underneath the bed for a tidy and hassle-free bedroom.

Modern and Sleek Aesthetics

King size floating bed frames are renowned for their contemporary and minimalist appeal. They provide a sleek and uncluttered look that effortlessly elevates the style of your bedroom. Whether you have a modern, Scandinavian, or industrial decor theme, these bed frames blend seamlessly and enhance the overall aesthetic.

Storage Options

Some king size floating bed frames are designed with built-in storage solutions. These can include drawers, shelves, or compartments, providing extra space to keep your bedroom organised and clutter-free. With cleverly integrated storage, you can easily store extra bedding, pillows, or other essentials, making the most of your available space.

Disadvantages of King Size Floating Bed Frames

Limited Weight Capacity 

Floating bed frames typically have a lower weight capacity compared to traditional bed frames with legs. The lack of a solid base or support system can limit the weight that the frame can safely accommodate. This can be a drawback for those who prefer or require a sturdier and more robust bed frame.

Reduced Stability

Floating bed frames may lack the stability and firmness of traditional bed frames with legs. Without the added support of legs firmly planted on the floor, these frames can be more prone to shifting or wobbling.

This can be a concern for individuals who are sensitive to movements during sleep or for those who engage in activities on the bed that require stability, such as reading or working.

Limited Customization Options

Unlike traditional bed frames, floating bed frames often have limited customization options. They tend to come in fixed designs and styles, which may not suit everyone’s personal preferences or match the existing decor of a bedroom. This limitation can make it challenging to find a floating bed frame that perfectly fits your aesthetic vision.

Higher Cost 

King size floating bed frames are often more expensive compared to traditional bed frames with legs. The innovative design, materials, and construction required to achieve the floating effect can contribute to a higher price tag. This can be a disadvantage for budget-conscious individuals or those looking for a more affordable bed frame option.

Choosing the Right King Size Floating Bed Frame

When selecting a king size floating bed frame, it’s important to take certain factors into consideration:

  • Material and Durability: Look for bed frames constructed from high-quality materials like solid wood or metal. These materials ensure durability and longevity, ensuring your investment lasts for years to come.
  • Weight Capacity: Make sure to check the weight capacity of the bed frame to ensure it can support your mattress and accommodate the weight of those using it. Consider factors such as the mattress weight, the weight of the sleepers, and any additional items you plan to store on or within the bed frame.
  • Installation and Stability: Ensure that the floating bed frame comes with a secure and reliable installation system. It should be properly anchored to the wall or have a sturdy hidden mounting system for stability and safety.
  • Design and Style: Consider the overall design and style of the bed frame to ensure it complements your bedroom decor. Whether you prefer a simple and minimalistic design or a more ornate and decorative look, choose a bed frame that aligns with your personal taste and the aesthetic of your bedroom.


1. Are king size floating bed frames suitable for all mattress types?

Yes, king size floating bed frames are designed to accommodate various mattress types, including memory foam, spring, latex, or hybrid mattresses. However, it is essential to check the specifications of the bed frame to ensure it is compatible with your specific mattress.

2. Can I install a king size floating bed frame myself?

While some floating bed frames can be installed as a DIY project, it is recommended to hire a professional for the installation. They have the expertise and knowledge to ensure proper mounting and stability, guaranteeing your safety and the longevity of the bed frame.

3. Will a king size floating bed frame support the weight of multiple sleepers?

Yes, king size floating bed frames are designed to support the weight of multiple sleepers. However, it is crucial to check the weight capacity of the specific bed frame you choose to ensure it can accommodate the combined weight of the sleepers.

4. Are king size floating bed frames easy to clean?

Absolutely! Cleaning a king size floating bed frame is effortless. Since there are no visible legs or obstructions, you can easily access and clean the floor underneath. A quick sweep or vacuum will keep your bedroom tidy and free from dust and debris.


Transforming your bedroom into a stylish and luxurious retreat is easily achievable with a floating bed frame. Not only do these innovative bed frames add a modern touch to your decor, but they also offer practical benefits such as maximising space, easy cleaning, and integrated storage options. 

By incorporating a king size floating bed frame, you can effortlessly elevate your bedroom’s ambiance while creating a serene haven that exudes sophistication and comfort.


What Is a Floating Bed, and How Can You Incorporate It into Your Home?

When it comes to designing our homes, we’re constantly on the lookout for innovative and stylish ideas that can transform our living spaces. One such trend that has gained popularity in recent years is the floating bed.

Imagine a bed that appears to be suspended in mid-air, defying gravity and adding a touch of enchantment to your bedroom. In this article, we will delve into the world of floating beds, explore their features and benefits, and provide you with practical tips on incorporating them into your home.

Understanding Floating Beds

A floating bed, also known as a suspended bed or hanging bed, is a design concept where the bed frame is supported by ropes, cables, or hidden supports, creating the illusion that the bed is floating in mid-air.

The unique feature of a floating bed is the absence of traditional legs or a solid base. Instead, the bed is suspended from above, giving it a visually captivating and ethereal appearance.

Benefits of Floating Beds

1. Visual Appeal and Space Optimization

The main advantage of a floating bed is its aesthetic appeal. It creates a focal point in the room and adds a touch of elegance and modernity. Additionally, the absence of legs or a bulky frame makes the bed visually lighter, creating an illusion of more space, which is particularly beneficial for smaller bedrooms or studio apartments.

2. Customization and Versatility

Floating beds come in a variety of designs and materials, allowing you to choose the one that suits your personal style and complements your existing decor. 

From sleek minimalist frames to rustic wooden platforms, there are endless options to explore. Furthermore, the height of the bed can be adjusted, giving you the flexibility to adapt it to your specific needs and preferences.

3. Enhanced Comfort and Relaxation

While the visual aspect is undoubtedly appealing, floating beds also offer practical benefits. The suspension system used in these beds can provide a gentle swaying motion, mimicking the sensation of being cradled, which promotes relaxation and better sleep. This feature can be particularly beneficial for those who struggle with insomnia or find comfort in gentle movements.

Incorporating a Floating Bed into Your Home

1. Choose the Right Location

Before incorporating a floating bed into your home, consider the layout and available space. Identify a suitable area that allows for proper suspension and does not obstruct the flow of the room. Ideally, you should have ample vertical space above the bed to create the floating effect successfully.

2. Ensure Structural Integrity

Safety is paramount when installing a floating bed. Make sure the chosen location has adequate structural support to bear the weight of the bed and the person(s) using it. Consult with a professional if needed, especially if you are uncertain about the structural integrity of your walls or ceiling.

3. Select the Perfect Design

As mentioned earlier, floating beds come in various designs. Consider the overall theme and style of your bedroom when selecting the design. Opt for a bed frame that complements the existing decor, whether it’s a sleek and modern design or a rustic and natural look. Remember to choose a high-quality mattress and bedding to ensure optimal comfort and support.

4. Lighting and Accessories

To enhance the visual impact of your floating bed, consider incorporating appropriate lighting and accessories. Install ambient lighting above or around the bed to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Add floating bedside shelves or minimalist nightstands to complete the look while maintaining the illusion of space.

At CUURA Space, you can choose from a range of floating bed frames that come with built-in lighting underneath the frame. These bed frames offer a stylish and contemporary touch to your bedroom while providing subtle illumination for a cosy ambiance.


1. Are floating beds safe to use?

When properly installed and maintained, floating beds are safe to use. However, it is crucial to ensure that the bed is securely anchored and that the supporting structure is strong and stable. It is recommended to consult with a professional or follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation and maintenance.

2. Can any mattress be used with a floating bed?

Yes, you can use any type of mattress with a floating bed. Whether you prefer a traditional innerspring mattress, a memory foam mattress, or a hybrid mattress, it can be placed on the bed frame just like on any regular bed. Choose a mattress that suits your comfort preferences and provides adequate support for a good night’s sleep.

3. Can I DIY a floating bed?

While some skilled individuals may be able to construct a floating bed themselves, it is generally recommended to hire a professional for installation. Installing a floating bed involves ensuring proper structural support, precise measurements, and secure anchoring, which may require specialised knowledge and tools.

4. Are floating beds suitable for children or elderly individuals?

Floating beds can be suitable for children and elderly individuals, but certain factors should be considered. For children, ensure that the height and safety measures are appropriate for their age and mobility. For elderly individuals, it is essential to prioritise stability, easy access, and consider any mobility issues they may have.


Incorporating a floating bed into your home can bring a touch of enchantment and modern elegance to your bedroom. The visually appealing design, space optimization, and customizable options make floating beds a unique addition to any home decor.

Remember to choose a suitable location, ensure proper installation, and select a design that complements your style. By following these tips, you can create a dreamy and comfortable sanctuary that defies gravity and captivates the imagination.


Upgrade Your Bed Frame with Accessories

Are you looking to take your sleep experience to the next level? Upgrade your bed frame with accessories that can enhance both comfort and functionality. 

Bed frames are not just a basic support structure for your mattress; they can be transformed into a haven of relaxation with the right additions. In this article, we’ll explore a range of accessories that can elevate your bed frame to new heights of comfort and style.

Exploring Accessories for Comfort and Style

1. Mattress Toppers: Add a Layer of Luxury

Mattress toppers are an excellent way to enhance the comfort of your bed. They come in various materials such as memory foam, latex, or down alternative, and can provide additional cushioning and support. 

Whether you prefer a plush or firm feel, there’s a mattress topper that can cater to your specific needs. Not only do they improve the overall comfort of your bed, but they can also help extend the life of your mattress.

2. Bedside Caddy: Keep Essentials Within Reach

A bedside caddy is a practical accessory that can keep your essentials close at hand. Whether it’s your phone, book, glasses, or remote control, a bedside caddy eliminates the need for you to get out of bed to retrieve these items. 

Simply attach the caddy to the side of your bed frame, and you’ll have everything you need within arm’s reach. It’s a convenient solution that adds functionality to your sleeping space.

3. Underbed Storage: Maximise Space


If you’re struggling with limited storage space in your bedroom, an underbed storage solution is a game-changer. Many bed frames come with built-in drawers or compartments underneath, providing valuable extra space for storing items such as bedding, clothing, or seasonal items. Utilising the space under your bed can help declutter your room and create a more organised environment.

4. Headboard: Style and Support

A headboard is not only a stylish addition to your bed frame but also offers support while sitting up in bed. It adds a focal point to your bedroom and can complement your existing decor.

Whether you opt for a plush upholstered headboard or a sleek and modern design, it’s an accessory that can transform the look and feel of your bed. If you’re in search of a bed frame with a headboard, consider checking out CUURA Space and DI (Design Indulgences) for their reasonably priced collections.

5. Bedside Lighting: Set the Mood

Good lighting is essential for creating a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom. Bedside lighting options such as table lamps, wall-mounted sconces, or even smart bulbs allow you to adjust the intensity and colour of the light to suit your preferences. 

Dimmable lights are particularly useful for creating a cosy ambiance before bedtime. Invest in lighting accessories that not only provide functionality but also add a touch of style to your sleeping sanctuary.

6. Bed Risers: Raise Your Bed, Increase Storage

If you need more storage space or prefer a higher bed, bed risers are an excellent solution. These simple accessories elevate your bed frame, creating extra room underneath. 

This added space can be utilised for storing boxes, bins, or other items, making the most of your vertical space. Bed risers are especially useful for those living in smaller apartments or dorm rooms, where every inch of storage counts.

7. Bed Skirts: Complete the Look

Bed skirts, also known as dust ruffles, are decorative fabric panels that hang from the edges of your bed, covering the space between the mattress and the floor. 

They not only add a finishing touch to your bed frame but also hide any underbed storage or clutter. Bed skirts come in various colours, patterns, and lengths, allowing you to choose the one that complements your bedroom decor perfectly.


1. Can I use a mattress topper on any type of mattress?

Yes, mattress toppers are designed to be compatible with most types of mattresses, including innerspring, memory foam, latex, and hybrid mattresses. Just ensure that you choose a mattress topper that suits your specific needs and preferences.

2. How do I attach a bedside caddy to my bed frame?

A: Most bedside caddies come with adjustable straps or hooks that can be easily attached to the side of your bed frame. Simply wrap the straps around the frame or hook them onto the bed rail, and adjust them to secure the caddy in place. It’s a hassle-free installation process that requires no tools.

3. Can bed risers support the weight of a heavy bed frame?

Bed risers are typically designed to support the weight of most bed frames, including heavy ones. However, it’s essential to choose bed risers that are made of sturdy materials and have a weight capacity that matches or exceeds the weight of your bed frame. This will ensure stability and prevent any potential damage.


Upgrading your bed frame with accessories can significantly enhance your sleep experience. Investing in these accessories not only improves the comfort and functionality of your bed but also allows you to personalise your sleeping space according to your preferences.

So, why settle for a basic bed frame when you can take it to the next level with these fantastic additions? Upgrade your bed frame today and create a sleep sanctuary that is both comfortable and stylish.


How to Clean and Maintain Your Bed Frame: 5 Easy Steps

A bed frame is a really important part of your bedroom setup. It helps support your mattress and makes sure you have a good sleep. To keep your bed frame looking nice and make it last longer, it’s important to clean and take care of it regularly.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps to clean and maintain your bed frame effectively.

5 Easy Steps to Clean and Maintain Your Bed Frame

1. Start with a Regular Dusting Routine

Dust tends to accumulate on surfaces over time, including your bed frame. To prevent the buildup of dust and dirt, incorporate regular dusting into your cleaning routine. 

Begin by using a microfiber cloth or a feather duster to gently remove any loose debris from the bed frame. Pay attention to the corners, crevices, and intricate details of the frame.

2. Vacuuming for Deep Cleaning

Apart from dusting, occasional deep cleaning is necessary to eliminate embedded dirt and allergens from your bed frame. Use a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to carefully vacuum the surface of the frame. This process will ensure a more thorough cleaning, especially if your bed frame has fabric upholstery or intricate designs.

3. Spot Cleaning for Stains

Accidental spills or stains are inevitable on a bed frame, particularly if you enjoy breakfast in bed or have young children. When faced with a stain, act promptly to prevent it from setting and becoming harder to remove. 

Start by gently blotting the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much of the spill as possible. Then, use a mild upholstery cleaner or a mixture of water and gentle detergent to spot clean the affected area. Be cautious and test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the bed frame first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.

4.  Addressing Odours

Over time, your bed frame may develop unpleasant odours. To keep it smelling fresh, sprinkle baking soda liberally over the surface of the frame and let it sit for a few hours. 

Baking soda is known for its ability to absorb odours. After the waiting period, vacuum the baking soda thoroughly using the brush attachment. This simple trick will help neutralise any lingering smells.

5. Preventative Measures

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to maintaining your bed frame. Consider implementing the following preventative measures to protect your bed frame from potential damage:

  • Use a mattress protector: A mattress protector acts as a barrier against spills, stains, and allergens, preventing them from reaching the bed frame.
  • Avoid jumping or placing excessive weight: Excessive force or weight can strain the joints and structure of the bed frame, leading to damage over time. Encourage children to avoid jumping on the bed to preserve its integrity.
  • Tighten loose screws: Periodically check and tighten any loose screws or bolts on your bed frame to maintain stability and prevent squeaking noises.


1. Can I use harsh chemicals to clean my bed frame?

It is best to avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning your bed frame, as they may cause damage or discoloration. Stick to mild upholstery cleaners or a mixture of water and gentle detergent.

2. How often should I clean my bed frame?

Regular dusting should be done at least once a week to prevent dust buildup. Deep cleaning can be performed every few months or as needed, depending on the level of dirt or stains.

3. Should I disassemble the bed frame for cleaning?

Disassembling the bed frame for cleaning is not necessary unless specifically mentioned in the manufacturer’s instructions. Most bed frames can be adequately cleaned without disassembly.


Keeping your bed frame clean and well-maintained is crucial for its longevity and aesthetic appeal. By following the steps, you can easily keep your bed frame looking fresh and in top condition. 

Check out this blog on How to Clean a Fabric Headboard Easily and find inspiration along the way.


Why You Should Buy a Bed Frame with Storage Drawers

Is your bedroom cluttered with items that you struggle to find a place for? Do you find yourself wishing for more storage space to keep your belongings organized? If so, it might be time to consider upgrading to a bed frame with storage drawers. 

This versatile furniture piece not only offers a comfortable place to sleep but also provides valuable storage space that can transform your bedroom. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why investing in a bed frame with storage drawers is a smart choice.

Benefits of a Bed Frame with Storage Drawers

Photo by Thapakorn Rujipak on istock 

Maximizing Space and Organization

Efficient Use of Bedroom Space

A bed frame with storage drawers offers an excellent way to maximize the space in your bedroom. 

By utilizing the often underutilized area under the bed, you can effectively create additional storage space without taking up valuable floor space. This is especially useful in smaller bedrooms or apartments where space is at a premium.

Decluttering and Organizing

One of the main advantages of a bed frame with storage drawers is its ability to help you declutter and organize your bedroom. 

With designated compartments for your belongings, you can easily separate and store items such as extra bedding, seasonal clothing, or even books and accessories. This helps create a more serene and tidy sleeping environment.

Convenience and Accessibility

Easy Access to Bedding and Linens

Having storage drawers directly integrated into your bed frame offers unmatched convenience when it comes to accessing your bedding and linens. 

No more digging through cramped closets or hunting down spare blankets in the middle of the night. With a bed frame with storage drawers, everything you need for a comfortable night’s sleep is just a reach away.

Additional Storage Options

In addition to the primary storage drawers, some bed frames come with additional storage features such as built-in shelves, headboard compartments, or even hidden storage compartments. 

These extra options provide even more storage versatility and allow you to keep frequently used items close at hand.

Stylish and Versatile

A bed frame with storage drawers not only serves a practical purpose but also adds a touch of style to your bedroom decor. 

Available in various designs, materials, and finishes, you can choose a bed frame that matches your personal style and complements the overall aesthetics of your bedroom. 

Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a more traditional and ornate design, there’s a bed frame with storage drawers to suit your taste.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Bed Frame with Storage Drawers

Photo by Thomas Bullock on istock 

When shopping for a bed frame with storage drawers, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the right choice for your needs.

Size and Dimensions

Before purchasing a bed frame, measure your bedroom space to determine the appropriate size and dimensions. 

Consider factors such as the size of your mattress, the available space in your room, and any other furniture you plan to place alongside the bed. Choosing the right size ensures a perfect fit and prevents any inconvenience later on.

Material and Durability

The material of the bed frame plays a significant role in its durability and longevity. Common materials include wood, metal, and upholstered frames. 

Each material has its own unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal. Consider the overall style of your bedroom, as well as your personal preferences and budget when selecting the material.

Design and Style

Bed frames with storage drawers come in various designs and styles to suit different tastes. Whether you prefer a sleek, contemporary look or a more traditional and rustic charm, there’s a bed frame design that will match your preferences. 

Take into account the overall theme of your bedroom and choose a design that complements it seamlessly.

Maintenance and Cleaning Tips

To ensure the longevity of your bed frame with storage drawers, it’s essential to follow proper maintenance and cleaning practices. 

Regularly dust and vacuum the storage drawers to keep them free from debris. Depending on the material, you may need to use specific cleaning methods or products to maintain the bed frame’s quality. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the best care practices.


Investing in a bed frame with storage drawers is not only beneficial in terms of functionality but also cost-effective in the long run. 

By having extra storage space readily available, you can avoid the need for additional storage units or cluttering your bedroom with unnecessary furniture. 

The initial investment in a high-quality bed frame with storage drawers pays off by providing you with a versatile and organized sleeping environment.


1. Are bed frames with storage drawers available in different sizes?

Yes, bed frames with storage drawers come in various sizes, including single, double, queen, and king, catering to different mattress sizes.

2. Can I assemble the bed frame with storage drawers on my own?

Most bed frames with storage drawers come with detailed instructions, making it possible to assemble them yourself. However, it’s recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper assembly.

3. Are bed frames with storage drawers more expensive than regular bed frames?

The price of bed frames with storage drawers can vary depending on the brand, materials used, and design. While they may be slightly more expensive than regular bed frames, the additional storage functionality they offer is well worth the investment. Consider it as a long-term solution to declutter and organize your bedroom.

4. Will the drawers affect the quality of my sleep or mattress support?

Bed frames with storage drawers are designed to provide excellent support for your mattress, ensuring a comfortable and restful sleep. The drawers are typically integrated seamlessly into the frame, without compromising the overall stability or quality of the bed.

5. Can I use the storage drawers for heavy items?

Yes, the storage drawers of bed frames are built to withstand the weight of various items. However, it’s advisable to distribute the weight evenly across the drawers to maintain the balance and stability of the bed frame.


Investing in a bed frame with storage drawers offers numerous benefits beyond a comfortable sleep surface. With easy accessibility to your belongings, you’ll save time searching for items. 

Additionally, these bed frames are available in various designs, allowing you to enhance the aesthetics of your bedroom while meeting your storage needs. So, if you want to create a neat and organized space, a bed frame with storage drawers is the ideal choice. 


The History of Four Poster Bed Frames: A Timeless Classic

When it comes to bedroom furniture, few pieces evoke a sense of grandeur and elegance quite like a four poster bed frame.

These majestic structures have stood the test of time, adding a touch of luxury and romance to bedrooms for centuries. Join us on a historical journey as we explore the captivating story behind the development and enduring popularity of four poster bed frames.

Origins of Four Poster Beds:

Photo by ANDREVISSER on istock 

Dating back to ancient times, the origins of four poster beds can be traced to the grandeur of wealthy Egyptian and Roman households. 

These early bed frames were constructed from sturdy materials like wood, and their design often featured intricate carvings and decorative elements. Bed curtains were used not only for privacy but also to provide warmth during colder nights.

The Rise of Four Poster Beds:

During the Middle Ages, four poster bed frames underwent significant transformations in Europe. They emerged as a popular variation, with wooden frames adorned with lavish draperies and curtains. 

These beds were often ornately carved, showcasing the craftsmanship of the time. Provided insulation in cold stone castles and added a sense of privacy in shared sleeping spaces.

Renaissance Elegance:

The Renaissance period witnessed a resurgence of classical influences, and four poster beds became an essential piece of furniture in noble households. 

These beds were crafted from luxurious materials such as oak, mahogany, or walnut, and featured intricate detailing and carvings inspired by Greco-Roman art. The bed curtains were made of rich fabrics like silk or velvet, often adorned with gold or silver thread embroidery.

Colonial Influence:

Photo by oksana_nazarchuk on istock 

As Europeans explored new lands during the Age of Discovery, four poster bed frames found their way to colonies around the world. 

In America, the colonial style incorporated the design elements of European four poster beds but with a touch of practicality. These beds were often simpler in design, made of local woods such as pine or maple, and featured less elaborate carvings.

Victorian Era:

The Victorian era saw a resurgence in the popularity of four poster bed frames, becoming a symbol of wealth and social status. 

These beds were characterised by their opulence, featuring ornate carvings, intricate detailing, and lavish draperies. The canopy and curtains often showcased rich fabrics, lace trimmings, and tassels, further accentuating their grandeur.

Modern Adaptations:

Photo by Robert Daly on istock 

With the passage of time and changing design trends, four poster bed frames have adapted to suit contemporary styles. 

While the classic designs are still cherished, modern adaptations often feature sleeker lines, minimalist aesthetics, and lighter materials. Metal and wrought iron frames have gained popularity, providing a blend of traditional elegance and modern flair.


1. Why are four-poster beds called “four-poster”?

The term “four-poster” refers to the four vertical posts that support the bed frame. These posts are usually positioned at each corner of the bed and can be either ornately carved or simple in design.

2. What materials were used to make four-poster beds?

Throughout history, four-poster beds have been made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and even stone. The choice of material often depended on the availability of resources and the craftsmanship of the time.

3. Is it possible to incorporate additional furniture decor to a four-poster bed?

Absolutely! Adding extra furniture decor to a four-poster bed arrangement can enhance its overall aesthetic. Consider incorporating a charming table lamp with soft lighting to create a cosy atmosphere. 

Additionally, placing a plush rug underneath the bed or adding a stylish ottoman at the foot of the bed can contribute to the overall comfort and visual appeal of the space.

4. Do people still use four-poster beds today?

Yes, four-poster beds continue to be used today. While they may not be as common as they once were, they are still valued for their elegance and timeless appeal.


The history of four poster bed frames is a testament to their enduring appeal and timeless elegance. From their origins in ancient civilizations to their prominence in noble households and their adaptations in modern times, these beds continue to captivate us with their beauty. 

Today, four poster bed frames continue to be a popular choice for those seeking a statement piece that exudes elegance and luxury. So, if you’re looking to bring a touch of timeless beauty to your bedroom, consider the enduring charm of a four poster bed frame. 


The Ultimate Guide to Platform Bed Frames

Platform bed frames have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their sleek and modern design. 

Not only do they add a touch of sophistication to your bedroom, but they also provide excellent support for your mattress.

If you’re in the market for a new bed frame, this ultimate guide will help you choose the perfect platform bed for your needs.

What is a Platform Bed Frame?

A platform bed frame is a type of bed frame that features a solid or slatted surface to support the mattress. 

Unlike traditional bed frames that require a box spring or foundation, platform bed frames can be used with just a mattress.

This makes them an excellent choice for people who want a more minimalistic look in their bedroom.

Benefits of a Platform Bed Frame

There are many benefits to choosing a platform bed frame over a traditional bed frame. Some of the most significant benefits include:

Minimalistic design 

Platform bed frames have a sleek and modern design that can make your bedroom look more sophisticated.


Since you don’t need to buy a box spring or foundation, platform bed frames can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Better support 

Platform bed frames provide excellent support for your mattress, which can lead to a better night’s sleep.


Platform bed frames typically have a lower profile than traditional bed frames, making them an excellent choice for small bedrooms.

Types of Platform Bed Frames

There are several different types of platform bed frames available, each with its unique features and benefits. Some of the most common types include:

Solid platform bed frames 

Solid platform bed frames feature a solid surface that provides support for your mattress. These bed frames can be made from wood, metal, or other materials.

Slatted platform bed frames 

Slatted platform bed frames feature a series of slats that support your mattress. These bed frames can be made from wood, metal, or other materials.

Upholstered platform bed frames

Upholstered platform bed frames feature a padded headboard and/or footboard, giving them a more luxurious look and feel.

Floating platform bed frames

Floating platform bed frames are mounted to the wall, giving the illusion that the bed is floating. These bed frames are an excellent choice for small bedrooms since they don’t take up any floor space.

Choosing the Perfect Platform Bed Frame

When shopping for a platform bed frame, it’s essential to consider your individual needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the perfect platform bed frame:

Size: Platform bed frames come in a range of sizes, from twin to king. Make sure you choose a bed frame that is the right size for your mattress and bedroom.

Material: Platform bed frames can be made from various materials, including wood, metal, and upholstery. Consider the material and choose one that matches your decor and personal style.

Support: Platform bed frames provide excellent support for your mattress, but some are better than others. Look for a bed frame with sturdy slats or a solid surface to ensure your mattress has the support it needs.

Style: Platform bed frames come in a range of styles, from minimalist to ornate. Consider the style of your bedroom and choose a bed frame that complements your decor.

Price: Set a budget for your bed frame and choose one that fits within your budget. Keep in mind that while some bed frames may be more expensive, they may also be more durable and have better features.


1. Do I need a box spring with a platform bed frame?

No, you don’t need a box spring with a platform bed frame. The solid or slatted surface of the bed frame provides excellent support for your mattress.

2. Can I use any mattress with a platform bed frame?

Yes, you can use any mattress with a platform bed frame, including memory foam, latex, and innerspring mattresses.

3. How do I clean an upholstered platform bed frame?

To clean an upholstered platform bed frame, use a soft brush or vacuum to remove dust and dirt. For stains, use a mild detergent and warm water to gently scrub the affected area.


In conclusion, platform bed frames are an excellent choice if you are looking to update your bedroom’s look and feel.

They provide excellent support for your mattress, come in a range of styles, and can be more cost-effective in the long run. 

When choosing a platform bed frame, consider your individual needs and preferences, including size, material, support, style, and price.

With the right platform bed frame, you’ll be able to create a relaxing and comfortable retreat in your own home.


A Comprehensive Guide to King Size Bed Frames

As one of the largest bed sizes available, king size beds offer ample space for couples and individuals who love to stretch out in their sleep.

But finding the perfect king size bed frame to fit your needs can be overwhelming with the numerous options available. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about king size bed frames to help you make an informed decision.

What is a King Size Bed Frame?

A king size bed frame is a large bed frame that accommodates a king size mattress. King size beds are 190 cm wide and 200 cm long, making them 40 cm wider than a queen size bed. 

The size of a king size bed provides ample space for couples or individuals who love to stretch out while they sleep.

Types of King Size Bed Frames

There are different types of king size bed frames available in the market. The following are some of the most popular:

a) Platform Bed Frames

A platform bed frame has a low profile and does not require a box spring. It provides a modern and sleek look to your bedroom.

b) Storage Bed Frames 

Storage bed frames come with drawers underneath the bed, providing additional storage space for your bedroom.

c) Canopy Bed Frames 

Canopy bed frames have a four-poster design with a frame extending upwards from each corner. They come in different styles, including traditional, modern, and contemporary.

d) Upholstered Bed Frames 

Upholstered bed frames have a padded headboard and footboard. They come in various fabrics, including linen, velvet, and leather.

e) Adjustable Bed Frames

Adjustable bed frames come with a motor that adjusts the height of the head and foot of the bed. They are ideal for people with sleep apnea or other medical conditions.

Considerations when Choosing a King Size Bed Frame

When choosing a king size bed frame, there are various factors to consider, including:

a) Size: Ensure the bed frame fits your bedroom space and can accommodate a king size mattress.

b) Style: Choose a bed frame that complements your bedroom decor.

c) Material: Bed frames come in different materials, including wood, metal, and upholstered. Choose a material that suits your style and budget.

d) Support: Ensure the bed frame provides adequate support for your mattress to prevent sagging and ensure longevity.

e) Storage: If you need additional storage space, consider a bed frame with drawers or shelves.

f) Budget: Determine your budget and find a bed frame that meets your requirements.


1. What is the weight capacity of a king size bed frame?

The weight capacity of a king size bed frame varies, depending on the design and material. Most bed frames can support a weight of up to 500 pounds.

2.  Do I need a box spring with a king size bed frame?

It depends on the type of bed frame you choose. Platform bed frames do not require a box spring, while traditional bed frames typically require one.

3. How much does a king size bed frame cost?

The cost of a king size bed frame in Malaysia can vary depending on several factors such as the material, design and brand. However, don’t worry, as there are plenty of affordable options available.

You might want to check out CUURA for their budget-friendly bed frames or DI (Design Indulgences) for a stylish and modern design. 


A king size bed frame is a significant investment that can make a massive difference in the quality of your sleep and overall comfort.

With the variety of options available, you can choose a bed frame that fits your style, budget and sleeping preferences.

With the right bed frame in Malaysia, you can have a comfortable, relaxing sleep experience that rejuvenates you for the next day.