
Everything You Need to Know About Queen Size Bed Frames

Queen size bed frames have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering the perfect balance of space and comfort for couples or individuals looking to upgrade from a smaller bed. 

With a variety of styles, materials, and features available, it can be challenging to decide which frame is right for you. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need about queen size bed frames, from dimensions and types to materials and styles.

Queen Size Bed Frame Dimensions

One of the first things to consider when shopping for a queen size bed frame is its dimensions. The standard queen size bed frame measures 60 inches (152 cm) wide by 80 inches (203 cm) long. 

However, the overall dimensions of the frame can vary depending on the style and design. It’s essential to measure your bedroom space and consider any additional furniture or décor to ensure the bed frame will fit comfortably.

Types of Queen Size Bed Frames

Platform Bed Frames

Platform bed frames are a popular choice for modern and minimalist bedrooms.

They feature a low-profile design with a solid, flat base, which eliminates the need for a box spring. These frames provide sturdy support for your mattress, ensuring a comfortable night’s sleep. 

Some platform bed frames also come with built-in storage drawers, making them an excellent option for those looking to save space.

Divan Bed Frames

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Divan bed frames consist of a sturdy, upholstered base that sits directly on the floor. The base is typically split into two sections, making it easy to manoeuvre and assemble. 

Divan beds often come with built-in storage options, such as drawers or an ottoman-style lift-up base. They can be paired with a wide range of headboards, allowing you to customise the bed’s appearance to suit your tastes.

Sleigh Bed Frames

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Sleigh bed frames are characterised by their elegant, curved headboard and footboard, which resemble a traditional sleigh. This classic design adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any bedroom. 

They can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and upholstered fabric.

Canopy Bed Frames

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Canopy bed frames feature tall, vertical posts at each corner of the bed, which can support a canopy or drapes.

These frames offer a sense of grandeur and romance, making them perfect for creating a luxurious, private sanctuary. 

They can be found in various styles, from traditional wooden designs to sleek, modern metal options.

Floating Bed Frames

Floating bed frame is a stylish and modern choice for your bedroom. They’re designed to create the illusion of your bed floating above the ground, adding a touch of elegance to your space.

With a variety of materials and finishes available, you’re sure to find the perfect frame to suit your taste.

Materials Used in Queen Size Bed Frames


Wooden bed frames are a timeless choice, available in various styles and finishes, including oak, pine, and walnut. 

They provide a warm, natural aesthetic and can complement both traditional and contemporary bedroom designs. They are also sturdy and durable, making them a long-lasting option.


Metal bed frames offer a sleek, modern look, with designs ranging from minimalist to elaborate.

They are often made from materials like steel or aluminium and can be finished in a range of colours, including black, white, or metallic shades. 

They are lightweight, making them easy to move and assemble, and offer excellent durability.


Upholstered bed frames feature a soft, padded fabric covering, providing a luxurious, comfortable aesthetic.

They are available in various materials, such as velvet, linen, or faux leather, and can be found in a wide range of colours and patterns. 

They often include a padded headboard, adding a layer of comfort and style to your bedroom.

Rattan and Wicker

Rattan and wicker bed frames have grown in popularity due to their unique, bohemian aesthetic.

These frames are made from natural materials like rattan or synthetic alternatives like resin, woven together to create a lightweight, airy design. 

Rattan and wicker frames can bring a relaxed, coastal vibe to your bedroom, making them perfect for those looking to create a peaceful retreat.

Choosing the Right Queen Size Bed Frame

Consider your bedroom size and layout

Before purchasing a queen size bed frame, be sure to measure your bedroom to ensure it will fit comfortably. Consider the placement of other furniture and leave enough space for walking and accessing storage areas.

Assess your preferred sleeping position and comfort level

Different bed frame types offer varying levels of support and comfort. For example, platform bed frames provide a firmer surface, which may be preferable for back sleepers, while an upholstered bed frame may offer a softer sleeping experience.

Match your bedroom style

Choose a bed frame that complements your existing bedroom décor and furniture. Consider the materials, colours, and design elements to create a cohesive look.

Prioritise storage options

If space is limited in your bedroom, opt for a bed frame with built-in storage, such as a platform bed with drawers or a divan bed with an ottoman base.


Do I need a box spring for a queen size bed frame?

This depends on the type of bed frame you choose. Platform bed frames do not require a box spring, as they provide a solid, flat base for your mattress. 

However, other bed frame styles, such as metal or wooden frames with slats, may require a box spring for additional support and comfort.

Can I use a queen size bed frame with an adjustable mattress?

Some bed frames are compatible with adjustable mattresses, such as divan beds or certain platform bed frames. It’s essential to check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure the bed frame is suitable for use with an adjustable mattress.

How much weight can a queen size bed frame support?

The weight capacity of a queen size bed frame will depend on the materials and construction.

Most queen size bed frames can support between 450 to 900 pounds (204 to 408 kg), but it’s essential to check the manufacturer’s specifications for exact weight limits.

How do I clean and maintain my queen size bed frame?

Cleaning and maintenance will vary depending on the bed frame material. For wooden frames, regularly dust and wipe down with a damp cloth, avoiding harsh chemicals that may damage the finish. 

Metal frames can be cleaned with a mild soap and water solution. Upholstered frames may require spot cleaning or professional cleaning, depending on the fabric type. Rattan and wicker frames should be dusted and occasionally wiped down with a damp cloth.


Choosing the perfect queen size bed frame can greatly impact the comfort, style, and functionality of your bedroom. 

If you’re looking to give your bedroom a more modern feel, you might want to check out CUURA’s queen bed frames. They have some really stylish options that are sure to add some flair to your space.

One of the best things about shopping at CUURA is that they offer a wide variety of bed frames, so you’re sure to find one that suits your taste and style. Plus, their frames are all made from high-quality materials, so you can rest easy knowing you’re getting a product that will last.


The Ultimate Guide to Upholstered Bed Frames

If you’re in the market for a new bed frame, an upholstered bed is a great option to consider. These bed frames not only offer a comfortable and stylish place to rest your head, but they also provide an extra layer of cushioning that can make for a more restful sleep. 

In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about upholstered bed frames, including their benefits, different styles, materials, and more.

Benefits of Upholstered Bed Frames


One of the main benefits of an upholstered bed frame is the comfort it provides. The extra layer of cushioning can make for a more comfortable sleeping experience, especially if you like to sit up in bed to read or watch TV.


Upholstered bed frames come in a wide range of styles, from sleek and modern to classic and traditional. Whether you prefer a tufted headboard or a simple, clean-lined design, there’s an upholstered bed frame to suit your taste.


Because upholstered bed frames are available in so many different styles and materials, they can work well with a variety of decor styles. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or something more traditional, there’s an upholstered bed frame that will fit your space.


Upholstered bed frames are typically made from high-quality materials that are built to last. This means you can expect your bed frame to hold up well over time, even with regular use.

Styles of Upholstered Bed Frames

Platform Beds

Platform beds are a popular style of upholstered bed frame that feature a low-profile design and a wide, flat base. These beds often have a simple, minimalist look that works well in modern spaces.

Panel Beds

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Panel beds are another popular style of upholstered bed frame that feature a tall, vertical headboard and footboard. These beds often have a more traditional look that works well in classic or transitional spaces.

Floating Beds

They’re an amazing type of bed that’s designed to give you the feeling of sleeping on air. Floating beds use cleverly hidden magnets to create a weightless effect, making you feel like you’re floating in the air. It’s a unique and super cool way to upgrade your sleep experience.

Canopy Beds

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Canopy beds are a dramatic style of upholstered bed frame that feature a tall, four-poster design with a canopy over the top. These beds often have a romantic, luxurious look that works well in large bedrooms.

Materials for Upholstered Bed Frames


Fabric is the most common material used for upholstered bed frames. There are many different types of fabric to choose from, including linen, cotton, velvet, and more.


Leather is another popular material for upholstered bed frames. It has a sleek, sophisticated look that works well in modern spaces.

Faux Leather

Faux leather is a more affordable alternative to real leather that still provides a sleek, sophisticated look.


Velvet is a luxurious material that can add a touch of glamour to any bedroom. It’s especially popular for tufted or buttoned upholstered bed frames.


Are upholstered bed frames easy to clean?

Yes, most upholstered bed frames are easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner or a soft-bristled brush.

Can you use any mattress with an upholstered bed frame?

Yes, upholstered bed frames are designed to work with any type of mattress, including memory foam, latex, and innerspring mattresses.

Do upholstered bed frames require any special maintenance?

No, upholstered bed frames don’t require any special maintenance beyond regular cleaning and care

How do you choose the right size upholstered bed frame?

To choose the right size upholstered bed frame, you should consider the size of your mattress and the size of your room. Make sure the bed frame is slightly larger than your mattress to ensure a snug fit.

How do you style an upholstered bed frame?

There are many ways to style an upholstered bed frame. You can use colourful bedding to add a pop of colour, add decorative pillows for extra comfort, or even hang artwork above the bed to create a focal point.


Upholstered bed frames offer both comfort and style, making them a great choice for anyone in the market for a new bed. If you’re looking for a comfortable and stylish bed frame, CUURA has got you covered. 

They offer a wide selection of upholstered bed frames to suit your taste and style. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or something more traditional, they have got plenty of options for you to choose from. 

So come on down and find the perfect bed frame to complete your bedroom!


Pros and Cons of Metal Bed Frames

When it comes to choosing the perfect bed frame for your bedroom, you have a myriad of options to consider. 

One of the most popular materials for bed frames is metal. Metal bed frames are known for their durability, style, and versatility. However, just like any other material, they come with their own set of pros and cons. 

This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the benefits and drawbacks of metal bed frames to help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of Metal Bed Frames

Durability and Strength

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One of the main advantages of metal bed frames is their durability and strength. Metal is inherently strong and can withstand substantial weight and pressure. 

As a result, metal bed frames are less likely to break or bend, ensuring a long-lasting investment for your bedroom. Moreover, they require minimal maintenance, which can save you time and effort in the long run.

Stylish Designs

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Another benefit of metal bed frames is their wide range of stylish designs.

Whether you are looking for a contemporary, minimalist look or a more classic, vintage-inspired design, you can find a metal bed frame that suits your preferences. 

This material offers an array of finishes, colours, and patterns, making it easy to find a bed frame that complements your bedroom decor.

Affordable Options

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While metal bed frames can range in price, there are many affordable options available on the market.

Because metal is a readily available material, it is often more cost-effective than other alternatives such as wood or upholstered bed frames. 

This makes metal bed frames an excellent choice for those looking to upgrade their bedroom without breaking the bank.


Photo by Julia Pavaliuk on istock 

Metal bed frames offer a high level of versatility, making them suitable for various room types and sizes.

They are available in a variety of sizes, from single to super king, and can be easily assembled and disassembled for transportation or storage. 

Additionally, their sleek design makes them an excellent choice for smaller spaces, as they can provide a spacious feel without taking up too much room.

Disadvantages of Metal Bed Frames

Noise and Stability

One of the most common complaints about metal bed frames is the noise they can produce.

Metal frames can sometimes squeak or creak when weight is shifted, which can be an annoyance, particularly for light sleepers. 

Additionally, some metal bed frames may not provide the same level of stability as other materials, such as wood, due to their lightweight construction.

However, this can be mitigated by choosing a high-quality metal frame with a sturdy design.

Limited Customisation

While metal bed frames offer a range of design options, they may not provide the same level of customisation as other materials.

For example, wood and upholstered bed frames can be easily painted, stained, or reupholstered to suit changing tastes and styles. 

In contrast, altering the appearance of a metal bed frame can be more challenging, as it may require professional assistance or specialised tools.

Heat and Cold Conduction

Metal bed frames can conduct heat and cold, which may cause discomfort for some sleepers. In warm weather, the metal can absorb heat and become hot to the touch.

Conversely, during colder months, the metal can feel cold and uninviting.
However, this issue can be easily addressed by using appropriate bedding materials and adjusting the room temperature.


Are metal bed frames sturdy?

Yes, metal bed frames are generally sturdy and durable. However, the sturdiness depends on the quality and design of the frame.

To ensure a stable and long-lasting bed frame, opt for a high-quality metal frame with a robust construction.

Can a metal bed frame be painted?

Yes, metal bed frames can be painted. However, it is important to use the appropriate paint and primer specifically designed for metal surfaces.

Additionally, proper surface preparation, such as cleaning and sanding, is essential to achieve a smooth, professional finish.

Are metal bed frames suitable for all mattress types?

Metal bed frames are generally suitable for most mattress types, including memory foam, latex, and innerspring mattresses.

However, it is essential to ensure that the frame’s design and slat system provide adequate support and ventilation for the specific mattress you have chosen.

How do I maintain a metal bed frame?

Metal bed frames require minimal maintenance. Regularly inspect the frame for any signs of damage or wear, and tighten any loose bolts or screws. 

To clean the frame, simply use a damp cloth and mild detergent to wipe away dust and dirt. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or tools, as they may scratch or damage the frame’s finish.


Metal bed frames offer a range of advantages, such as durability, stylish design options, affordability, and versatility.

However, they also come with a few drawbacks, including the potential for noise, limited customisation options, and heat and cold conduction. 

By carefully considering the pros and cons of metal bed frames, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs, budget, and personal preferences. 


What Are the Benefits of Wooden Bed Frames?

Are you looking for a durable and stylish bed frame that provides a comfortable and rejuvenating sleep experience? Look no further than wooden bed frames! 

Wooden bed frames have been a popular choice for generations due to their numerous benefits, durability, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal. In this article, we’ll explore the many advantages of wooden bed frames and why they’re the best choice for a good night’s sleep.

Benefits of Wooden Bed Frames

Durability and Longevity

One of the most significant benefits of wooden bed frames is their durability and longevity. Unlike metal or upholstered bed frames, wooden bed frames are sturdy and can withstand wear and tear over time. 

They are also less likely to bend or break, which can be a concern with metal frames. Wooden bed frames can last for years with proper care, making them a worthwhile investment.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness

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Wooden bed frames are also a sustainable and eco-friendly choice for your bedroom. Wood is a renewable resource; many bed frames are made from sustainably harvested wood. 

Unlike plastic or metal bed frames, they can be easily recycled or repurposed at the end of their life. Wooden bed frames are a great choice if you want to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

Aesthetically Pleasing and Customizable

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Wooden bed frames also offer a unique and elegant aesthetic that can complement any bedroom decor. From rustic to modern, wooden bed frames are available in various styles and finishes. 

They can be easily customised with paint or stain to match your style or bedroom decor and are a great way to add warmth and character to your bedroom.

Health Benefits

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Another benefit of wooden bed frames is their health benefits. Unlike metal frames, wooden bed frames do not conduct heat, making them an ideal choice for those who live in hot or humid climates. 

They can also help reduce noise and vibrations, which can improve your sleep quality. Wooden bed frames are also less likely to collect dust or allergens, making them a great choice for people with allergies or asthma.

Versatility and Compatibility

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Wooden bed frames are also versatile and compatible with many different mattresses. Whether you prefer a foam, latex, or traditional coil mattress, a wooden bed frame can accommodate your preference. 

They also come in various sizes, from twin to king, making them a great choice for any bedroom size.


Lastly, wooden bed frames can be cost-effective compared to other materials. While some wooden bed frames can be expensive, they are often more affordable than upholstered or metal bed frames. 

Wooden bed frames are also a great investment because they last longer than other materials, making them a great long-term choice.


What types of wood are commonly used for bed frames?

The most commonly used types of wood for bed frames are pine, oak, and cherry wood. Pine wood is an affordable and lightweight option that is often used for children’s beds. 

Oak wood is a durable and sturdy choice that is popular for its natural beauty. Cherry wood is a hardwood that is known for its strength, durability, and rich reddish-brown colour.

Are wooden bed frames easy to assemble?

Yes, it can be relatively easy to assemble depending on the type of frame and the level of experience of the person assembling it. Some bed frames come with pre-drilled holes and all the necessary hardware, making assembly a straightforward process. 

However, others may require more complex assembly and may be more challenging for those with little experience.

Do wooden bed frames require a box spring?

No, they do not necessarily require a box spring. A box spring can provide extra height to a bed and help to distribute weight evenly, but many bed frames are designed to support a mattress directly. 

However, if you prefer a higher bed or if your mattress requires additional support, a box spring may be a good option.

Can wooden bed frames be recycled or repurposed?

Yes, it can be recycled or repurposed. Recycling wood involves breaking it down into its component parts, such as sawdust and wood chips, which can then be used to create new products. 

Repurposing wood involves finding new uses for the wood, such as using it for furniture, flooring, or decorative accents. Both recycling and repurposing can help to reduce waste and promote sustainability.


Wooden bed frames are the ideal choice for a good night’s sleep, offering numerous benefits that can enhance your sleep experience and improve your overall well-being. 

From their durability and sustainability to their aesthetic appeal and comfort, wooden bed frames are a versatile and cost-effective option that can meet all your sleep needs. 

So why wait? Invest in a wooden bed frame today and enjoy a restful and rejuvenating sleep experience for years to come!


Divan vs Bed Frame: Which Is Better?

When it comes to choosing the right bed for your bedroom, one of the fundamental decisions you’ll face is whether to go for a divan or a bed frame. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the choice you make can significantly impact your sleep quality, comfort, and the overall aesthetics of your bedroom. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of divan beds and bed frames to help you make an informed decision.

What Is a Divan?

A divan bed  is a sturdy, upholstered base, often featuring built-in storage drawers or an ottoman-style lift-up compartment. It’s designed for space efficiency and compatibility with various headboards, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics in the bedroom.

Is a Divan a Bed Frame?

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Yes, a divan is a type of bed frame. But they’re not exactly the same. Both of them are there to hold up a mattress for sleeping, but they have some differences in how they look and what they can do. A divan is like a full bed package that comes with a mattress and a base that might have storage space or not. On the other hand, a bed frame is just a frame that holds the mattress but doesn’t come with a mattress or storage space.

Pros of Divan Beds

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1. Built-in Storage

One of the standout features of divan beds is their built-in storage options. Many divans come with drawers or ottoman-style storage compartments, providing a convenient solution for decluttering your bedroom. This extra storage space can be especially useful for keeping spare bedding, clothes, or other personal items neatly tucked away.

2. Space Efficiency

Divan beds are space-efficient and ideal for rooms with limited space. Their compact design doesn’t include bulky headboards or footboards, allowing you to maximise the available floor area. This makes divans an excellent choice for smaller bedrooms or guest rooms.

3. Supportive

Divan bases provide excellent support for your mattress, ensuring even weight distribution and preventing sagging. This support can contribute to better sleep quality and enhanced comfort.

4. Easy to Personalise

Divan beds offer a high degree of customization. You can choose from a wide range of fabric and upholstery options to match your bedroom decor. Additionally, divan bases can often be paired with various types of mattresses, allowing you to select the level of comfort that suits you best.

5. More Streamlined Appearance

The clean and simple design of divan beds can lend a more streamlined and modern look to your bedroom. Their minimalist aesthetic can complement various interior styles, making them a versatile choice for many homeowners.

Cons of Divan Beds

1. Slightly Higher Price

Compared to basic bed frames, divan beds tend to be slightly more expensive due to their integrated design and storage features. However, the additional cost can often be justified by the convenience and functionality they offer.

2. A Matter of Aesthetics

Some individuals may prefer the traditional look of a bed frame with a headboard and footboard, finding divan beds less visually appealing. This is largely a matter of personal taste and the overall style of your bedroom.

3. Less Sturdy Than Bed Frames

While divan beds provide excellent mattress support, their base may not be as sturdy as a bed frame, especially if subjected to significant weight or movement. This can lead to a shorter lifespan for the divan base.

4. Difficult to Move Around

Divan beds can be challenging to move around due to their bulk and weight. If you need to rearrange your bedroom frequently, this lack of mobility could be a drawback.

5. Can Be More Difficult to Clean

Cleaning a divan bed can be more challenging than a bed frame, as dust and debris can accumulate in the storage drawers or under the base. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.

What Is a Bed Frame?

A bed frame, on the other hand, is a standalone structure designed to support a mattress. Bed frames can be made from various materials, including wood, metal, and upholstery.

They come in different styles, such as platform beds, sleigh beds, and canopy beds, offering a wide range of aesthetic options to suit your bedroom decor.

Pros of Bed Frames

1. Provide Better Ventilation than Divans

Bed frames offer better ventilation for your mattress, as there’s no solid base underneath. This ventilation can help regulate temperature and reduce the risk of mould or mildew growth, contributing to a healthier sleep environment.

2. Often Easier to Clean

Bed frames are typically easier to clean than divan bases, as there are no enclosed storage compartments to accumulate dust or dirt. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help keep your bedroom fresh and hygienic.

3. Budget-Friendly

In general, bed frames tend to be more budget-friendly than divan beds, making them an attractive option for cost-conscious buyers. You can choose bed frames from a wide range of affordable options without sacrificing quality.

4. Comes with a Built-in Headboard

Many bed frames come with built-in headboards, enhancing the aesthetics of your bedroom and providing a comfortable backrest for reading or watching TV in bed.

5. More Sturdy than Divans

Bed frames are often more robust and durable than divan bases. This durability can translate to a longer lifespan for your bed, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Cons of Bed Frames

1. Less Space Effective

Bed frames typically have a larger footprint compared to divan beds, as they include headboards and footboards. This can be a drawback in smaller bedrooms where space efficiency is crucial.

2. Can Take Up More Room than Divans

The presence of a headboard and footboard can make bed frames take up more visual space in your bedroom, potentially making the room feel smaller.

3. Often Don’t Come with Built-in Storage

Unlike divan beds, bed frames usually lack built-in storage options. This means you’ll need to find alternative solutions for storing extra bedding or personal items.

4. May Not Be as Comfortable as Divans

Bed frames alone may not offer the same level of mattress support as divans, particularly if you choose a simple platform bed frame. To maximise comfort, you may need to invest in a quality mattress or additional support systems.

Which Is Better, to Have a Divan or a Bed Frame?

The choice between a divan and a bed frame depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you have limited space, a divan with built-in storage is efficient. Bed frames offer design variety for aesthetic preferences, while being budget-friendly, but may require additional storage solutions. 

Divan beds provide excellent support for those prioritising comfort, especially for those with back or joint issues. Cleaning and maintenance vary, with bed frames being easier to clean. If you need mobility or anticipate future moves, bed frames with their lightweight design might be a better fit.

Is a Divan Bed the Ideal Choice for Supporting Your Back?

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According to Mattress Research, divan beds are known for providing exceptional support for your back. Divan beds are often thought to be better for your back compared to certain bed frame choices. 

The strong and steady base of a divan gives your mattress a firm and reliable surface, which helps distribute your body weight evenly. This can be really helpful if you have back or joint problems because it keeps your spine in the right position and reduces the chances of feeling uncomfortable or having pain while you sleep.

Keep in mind that choosing a mattress specifically designed for back pain is crucial for your back comfort and support when getting a divan bed. Such mattresses for back pain are engineered to enhance the benefits of a divan bed, ensuring you get the best support for a pain-free sleep.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, whether you go for a divan or a bed frame depends on what you like, how much you want to spend, and what you need for your bedroom. A divan bed saves space and has storage options, while a bed frame gives you more design choices and is often cheaper. 

In the end, pick what suits you best and makes your bedroom comfy and stylish. Once you understand the differences, you can explore budget-friendly divan and bed frames on various online furniture stores.


What Is A Divan Bed? Everything You Need to Know 

Are you redecorating your bedroom and wondering what furniture pieces to add? Perhaps you’ve come across the term “divan” but you’re not sure what it means. 

A divan is a type of bed that originated in the Middle East and has evolved over time to become a popular piece of furniture worldwide.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into what divan is, its history, different types, and uses, as well as answer some common questions about this versatile and stylish piece of furniture.

What is Divan?

A divan is a type of bed that typically features a solid base or platform that provides support for a mattress. Divans can be made from a variety of materials such as wood, metal, or upholstered in fabric, leather or velvet. 

They often come with a built-in headboard and may include storage drawers or shelves underneath the base.

History of Divan

The term “divan” originated from the Persian word “devan,” which means a long seat or bench. In the Middle East, divans were commonly used as seating arrangements in public places or homes. 

Over time, the design of the divan evolved to include a raised platform, which served as a comfortable place to sleep. The Ottomans popularised the divan bed, which later spread to Europe and the rest of the world.

Types of Divan

Ottoman Divan

This type of divan originated in Turkey and features a solid base with storage drawers underneath. The Ottoman divan is usually upholstered in fabric and often features intricate patterns or designs.

Platform Divan

This type of divan features a solid platform base and is often made of wood or metal. It is ideal for those who prefer a minimalist design and want a bed that is easy to clean and maintain.

Storage Divan

This type of divan comes with built-in storage drawers or shelves underneath the base. It is ideal for those who have limited space and want to maximise their storage options.

Trundle Divan

This type of divan features a pull-out bed that can be used as an extra sleeping space. It is ideal for those who frequently have guests or live in small apartments.

Uses of Divan

Comfortable sleeping

Divans are known for their comfortable sleeping experience due to their solid base and sturdy support. They are ideal for those who suffer from back pain or discomfort while sleeping.

Stylish design

Divans come in a variety of designs and styles, making them a popular choice for those who want to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to their bedroom.


Divans with built-in storage options are perfect for those who want to maximise their space and keep their bedroom clutter-free.


Can I use any type of mattress on a divan?

Divans are usually designed to be used with a specific type of mattress, such as a sprung or memory foam mattress.

While it is possible to use other types of mattresses on a divan, it may not be the best option as the base may not provide the appropriate support for the mattress.

Are divans easy to clean?

The ease of cleaning a divan will depend on the material it is upholstered with. Some fabrics, such as leather or vinyl, may be easier to clean than others, such as linen or cotton.

However, regardless of the material, regular maintenance and cleaning will help to keep the divan looking its best.


A divan is a versatile and stylish piece of furniture that is perfect if you want a comfortable and supportive sleeping experience and to maximise your storage options or add a touch of sophistication to your bedroom.

Whether you’re looking for a bed with built-in storage, a pull-out trundle bed, or a comfortable place to sleep, a divan may be the perfect option. 

We hope this article has answered your questions about what divan is and helped you decide to add this versatile piece of furniture to your bedroom.


Metal vs Wood Bed Frame: All You Need to Know

Bed frames come in a variety of materials, but metal and wood are the two most popular choices. While both have their own benefits, they also have some downsides that you should consider before making a final decision. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each material, as well as some tips for maintaining your bed frame.

The Pros of Metal Bed Frames


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Metal bed frames are known for their durability and strength. They can withstand a lot of weight without sagging or bending.


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They are usually more affordable than wood frames, making them a great option for those on a budget.


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They are generally lighter than wood frames, which makes them easier to move and transport.


Photo by chinaface on istock 

Metal bed frames come in a wide variety of styles and designs, making them a versatile option that can fit into any bedroom decor.

The Cons of Metal Bed Frames


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Metal bed frames can be quite noisy when you move around on them, which can be annoying if you’re a light sleeper.


Photo by AntonioGuillem on istock 

Metal bed frames can feel quite cold to the touch, which may not be ideal if you live in a colder climate.

Lack of support

Photo by Pixavril on istock 

Some metal bed frames may not provide enough support for your mattress, which can lead to discomfort and poor sleep quality.

The Pros of Wood Bed Frames


Photo by miniseries on istock 

Wood bed frames have a natural warmth that can make your bedroom feel cosy and inviting.


Photo by vladans on istock 

Wood bed frames are also quite strong and sturdy, which means they can support a lot of weight without bending or sagging.


Photo by Anchiy on istock 

They are much quieter than metal frames, which can be a big plus if you’re a light sleeper.

Natural beauty 

Wood bed frames have a natural beauty that can add to the overall aesthetic of your bedroom.

The Cons of Wood Bed Frames


Photo by dmitriymoroz on istock 

They are generally more expensive than metal frames, which can be a disadvantage for those on a budget.


Photo by SolStock on istock 

They are heavier than metal frames, which can make them more difficult to move and transport.


Photo by SolStock on istock 

Wood bed frames require more maintenance than metal frames, as they may need to be polished or refinished over time.

Maintaining Your Bed Frame

Regardless of whether you choose a metal or wood bed frame, it’s important to take care of it properly to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Here are a few tips for maintaining your bed frame:

  • Regularly clean your bed frame to remove any dust or dirt buildup.
  • Use furniture polish or oil to keep wood frames looking shiny and new.
  • Tighten any loose screws or bolts to keep the frame sturdy.
  • If you have a metal frame, consider adding felt pads to the legs to prevent scratches or damage to your floors.
  • Use a mattress pad or protector to prevent any spills or accidents from damaging your bed frame.

By following these simple tips, you can help prolong the lifespan of your bed frame and keep it looking and functioning its best.


Are wood bed frames better than metal ones?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences.

However, wood frames do tend to have a warmer, more natural look, while metal frames are often more affordable and versatile.

Are metal bed frames more durable than wood frames?

Metal bed frames are generally considered to be more durable than wooden frames.

Metal bed frames are less likely to crack, warp or split compared to wooden frames, and they also tend to be less prone to insect infestations or water damage. 

However, it is worth noting that wooden bed frames can still be durable and long-lasting if they are made from high-quality materials and constructed properly. 

How often should I clean my bed frame?

It’s a good idea to clean your bed frame regularly to keep it hygienic and in good condition.

Depending on how often you use your bed and how dusty or dirty your bedroom gets, you may need to clean your bed frame more or less frequently.

Can I use a wood bed frame with a memory foam mattress?

Yes, wood bed frames are generally compatible with memory foam mattresses, as long as the frame provides enough support for the mattress.

Be sure to check the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific mattress.


Choosing between a metal or wood bed frame can be a difficult decision, but by considering the pros and cons of each material and your specific needs and preferences, you can make an informed decision that will serve you well for years to come. 

Remember to properly maintain your bed frame to ensure it lasts as long as possible and provides a comfortable and supportive sleeping experience.


How to Fix a Broken Bed Frame at Home: 5 Simple Methods 

Bed frames are an essential part of our sleeping routine, and they bear the entire weight of our body. However, they can be prone to breakage due to various reasons, such as wear and tear, accidents, or poor quality materials. 

If you have a broken bed frame, you may wonder if it’s worth repairing or if you need to buy a new one. Fortunately, there are simple methods that you can use to fix your bed frame at home without incurring any additional costs. 

In this article, we’ll share five easy methods to help you fix your broken bed frame and have a good night’s sleep.

Understanding the Bed Frame Structure

Before attempting to fix a broken bed frame, it’s important to understand its structure. A typical bed frame consists of a headboard, footboard, two side rails, and slats.

The slats support the mattress and are often held in place by brackets or screws.

Identifying the Issue

To fix a broken bed frame, you need to first identify the issue. The most common issues include broken slats, loose screws, cracked side rails, and a broken footboard or headboard.

Broken Slats

If your bed frame has broken slats, you’ll need to replace them. Measure the length and width of the broken slats and purchase replacement slats of the same size.

Loose Screws

If the screws holding the bed frame together have become loose, you can tighten them using a screwdriver or drill. Be sure to check all screws, including those holding the slats in place.

Cracked Side Rails

If the side rails of your bed frame are cracked, you’ll need to reinforce them. Use a wooden block or metal bracket to secure the cracked area.

Broken Footboard or Headboard

If the footboard or headboard of your bed frame is broken, you may need to replace it entirely. However, if the damage is minor, you can reinforce the existing footboard or headboard by using wood glue and clamps. 

5 Simple Methods to Fix Your Bed Frame

Method 1: Check and Tighten the Screws and Bolts

Photo by  Grigorev_Vladimir on istock 

Sometimes, a loose screw or bolt can be the cause of a broken bed frame. Before you try any other method, it’s crucial to check and tighten all the screws and bolts that hold the bed frame together. 

You’ll need a wrench, a screwdriver, and pliers. Start by examining the joints and corners of the bed frame to see if any screws or bolts are missing or loose. 

Tighten them firmly, and if you find any missing screws or bolts, replace them with new ones. This method can fix most minor issues with bed frames.

Method 2: Reinforce with Brackets

Photo by wakila on istock 

If the bed frame is still shaky or wobbly after tightening the screws and bolts, you can reinforce it with brackets. You’ll need L-shaped brackets, screws, and a screwdriver. 

Position the brackets on the inside of the bed frame, where the rails and legs meet, and screw them in place. This method can provide extra stability to the bed frame and prevent it from collapsing.

Method 3: Replace Broken Slats

Photo by Grigorev_Vladimir on istock 

If your bed frame has slats that support the mattress, a broken slat can be a major problem. You’ll need to remove the mattress and inspect the slats to see which one is broken. 

Remove the broken slat and replace it with a new one of the same size and shape. You can buy replacement slats from most furniture stores or online retailers.

Method 4: Use Wooden Dowels

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If the bed frame’s joints have become loose and wobbly over time, you can use wooden dowels to fix them. You’ll need wooden dowels, wood glue, a drill, and a saw. First, remove the loose joint, and clean the area with a dry cloth. 

Apply wood glue to the inside of the joint, and insert the wooden dowel. Cut off any excess dowel with a saw, and drill pilot holes for screws. Reattach the joint with screws, and allow the glue to dry completely.

Method 5: Replace Broken Frame Parts

Photo by Grigorev_Vladimir on istock 

If the bed frame is severely damaged, and none of the above methods work, you may need to replace some of the broken parts.

You can either purchase replacement parts from the manufacturer or a furniture store or make them yourself if you’re handy with tools. 

You’ll need to remove the broken parts carefully and replace them with the new ones. This method is more complicated than the others, and you may need professional help.


Can I fix a broken bed frame myself, or do I need to hire a professional?

It depends on the severity of the damage and your skills with tools. If you’re handy and the damage is minor, you can fix it yourself. If the damage is severe, it’s best to hire a professional.

Can I use any type of wood to make replacement parts for my bed frame?

It’s best to use the same type of wood that the bed frame is made of to ensure a perfect match. If you’re not sure what type of wood the bed frame is made of, take a sample to a furniture store or woodworker for identification.

How often should I check and maintain my bed frame to prevent it from breaking?

It’s a good idea to check and tighten the screws and bolts of your bed frame at least once a year. Also, inspect the bed frame for any signs of damage or wear and tear, and fix any issues as soon as possible.

Can I prevent my bed frame from breaking by using it properly?

Yes, you can prevent bed frame damage by using it properly. Avoid jumping or bouncing on the bed, and don’t overload it with too much weight. Also, avoid dragging the bed frame on the floor, which can cause scratches and dents.


A broken bed frame can be a major inconvenience, but it doesn’t have to be a disaster. With the methods outlined above, you can fix most minor issues with your bed frame and get back to enjoying a good night’s sleep.

Remember to always take safety precautions when working with tools and equipment, and if you’re unsure about any step, seek professional help.


What Are the Best Bed Frame Materials: Buying Guide

Choosing the right bed frame, especially its material can make a big difference in the overall comfort and style of your bedroom. A bed frame is an essential piece of furniture that provides support for your mattress and enhances the overall look of your bedroom. 

With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which material is best for your needs. In this buying guide, we will explore the different types of bed frame materials and their advantages and disadvantages, helping you make an informed decision.

Upholstered Bed Frame

Upholstered bed frames are becoming increasingly popular due to their comfort and style. They are covered in fabric or leather, which adds a soft, plush feel to your bed. There are two main types of upholstered bed frames: fabric and leather.


Daisy Bedframe King Size 

Fabric bed frames are available in a wide range of colours and textures, from linen to velvet. They are comfortable, durable, and can add a touch of elegance to your bedroom.


Noelle Queen Size Bed Frame 

Leather bed frames are sleek, stylish, and easy to clean. They come in a variety of colours and finishes, from smooth to distressed, and can give your bedroom a modern, sophisticated look.

Box Spring or Divan Bed Frame

A box spring is a type of bed base or foundation made of a wooden frame with a network of steel springs inside, which is usually covered with fabric. 

It is designed to support and cushion a mattress placed on top of it, while also absorbing some of the shock and wear that would otherwise be absorbed by the mattress alone. 

Santos Queen Size Bed Frame 

Santos Queen Size Bed Frame

Box springs are commonly used in North America and some other parts of the world, but they are less common in the UK and other European countries, where platform beds or slatted bases are more popular.

Wooden Bed Frame

Wood is one of the most popular bed frame materials due to its durability, versatility, and natural beauty. There are two main types of wooden bed frames: solid wood and engineered wood.

Solid Wood

Chelsea Queen Size Bed Frame 

Solid wood bed frames are made from natural wood, such as oak, pine, or mahogany. They are sturdy, long-lasting, and have a classic, timeless appeal. 

Solid wood bed frames can be quite heavy, which makes them more difficult to move around. They also tend to be more expensive than other types of bed frames.

Engineered Wood

Keanu King Size Bed Frames 

Engineered wood bed frames are made from a combination of natural wood and other materials, such as plywood or MDF (medium-density fibreboard). 

They are more affordable than solid wood bed frames and offer a similar level of durability. Engineered wood bed frames are also lighter and easier to move around.

Metal Bed Frame

Metal bed frames are another popular option that offers durability, style, and affordability. There are three main types of metal bed frames: steel, brass, and iron.


Photo by tc397 on istock 

Steel bed frames are strong, sturdy, and affordable. They are available in a variety of designs, from minimalist to ornate, and can be painted in different colours to match your bedroom decor.


Photo by Jot on istock 

Brass bed frames are elegant, stylish, and luxurious. They are durable and easy to maintain, and their warm, golden hue adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom.


Photo by PaulVinten on istock 

Iron bed frames are strong, durable, and available in a variety of designs. They are easy to maintain and can be painted in different colours to match your bedroom decor.

What is the best material for bed frames?

The best material for bed frame often depends on individual preferences and needs, but generally, metal and solid wood are considered top choices. Metal frames offer durability and strength, with a modern aesthetic, while solid wood provides a classic look and can be very sturdy and long-lasting. Both materials come in various styles and can support different types of mattresses effectively. 

What type of bed frame lasts the longest?

High-quality solid wood or heavy-duty metal bed frames typically offer the greatest durability. However, the lifespan of any type of bed frame, regardless of material, significantly depends on usage and maintenance. Regular care, like tightening screws and avoiding excessive weight, along with a robust design, can significantly extend their life.

How to clean a bed frame?

When cleaning a bed frame, it’s important to consider the material as it dictates the best cleaning method. Start by dusting it to remove surface dirt, then use a mild cleaning solution and a soft, damp cloth appropriate for the frame’s material. Ensure the frame is dried thoroughly after cleaning to prevent moisture damage. Regular maintenance like this is key to keeping your bed frame in good condition.


In wrapping up, finding the right bed frame material can really make a difference in your bedroom. Whether it’s the cosy feel of an upholstered frame, the timeless look of wood, or the strong build of metal, there’s a perfect fit for everyone. Plus, checking out bed frames online is a super convenient way to shop without ever leaving your house. This guide aims to help you pick the best bed frame for your needs, the one that fits your needs and you’ll enjoy for many years. 


How to Clean a Fabric Headboard Easily

If you have a fabric headboard, it is essential to keep it clean and fresh. A clean headboard not only looks good, but it also ensures a healthy sleeping environment. 

However, cleaning a fabric headboard can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know how to go about it. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to remove stains, eliminate odours, and maintain the headboard’s condition.

Pre-cleaning Preparation

Before you start cleaning your fabric headboard, it’s essential to prepare the surface adequately. This preparation helps to make the cleaning process more efficient and avoid damage to the fabric. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Dust off the headboard using a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to remove any loose dirt or debris.
  • Check the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the type of fabric and the cleaning method recommended.
  • Test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area to ensure that it does not damage the fabric or cause discoloration.

Cleaning Fabric Headboards with Water-based Solutions

Using water-based solutions is an effective and safe way to clean fabric headboards. Here are some of the solutions you can use:

Using a Gentle Detergent Solution

Photo by Sergei Chuyko  on istock
  • Mix warm water with a mild detergent in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution on the fabric headboard.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to scrub the surface gently.
  • Rinse the fabric headboard with clean water.
  • Let the headboard air dry completely.

Using a Vinegar and Water Solution

Photo by Helin Loik-Tomson on istock 
  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution on the fabric headboard.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to scrub the surface gently.
  • Rinse the fabric headboard with clean water.
  • Let the headboard air dry completely.

Using a Baking Soda and Water Solution

Photo by SB on istock 
  • Mix baking soda and water to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stained area of the fabric headboard.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to scrub the surface gently.
  • Rinse the fabric headboard with clean water.
  • Let the headboard air dry completely.

Cleaning Fabric Headboards with Dry Solutions

If you don’t want to use water-based solutions to clean your fabric headboard, here are some dry solutions you can try:

Using a Vacuum Cleaner

Photo by FotoDuets on istock 
  • Attach the upholstery tool to your vacuum cleaner.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and run it over the surface of the fabric headboard.
  • Pay extra attention to the seams and crevices where dirt and dust tend to accumulate.

Using a Lint Roller

Photo by Professor25 on istock 
  • Roll the lint roller over the surface of the headboard. 
  • Repeat until the lint roller no longer picks up dirt and dust.

Using Cornstarch

Photo by Andrei Zonenko  on istock 
  • Sprinkle cornstarch over the stained area of the fabric headboard.
  • Let the cornstarch sit for 30 minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to scrub the surface gently.
  • Vacuum the cornstarch off the fabric headboard.

Removing Stains from Fabric Headboards

Stains on fabric headboards can be stubborn to remove, but with the right treatment, you can get rid of them. Here are some tips on how to remove different types of stains:

Treating Grease and Oil Stains

  • Blot the stain with a clean cloth to remove any excess oil or grease.
  • Apply baking soda or cornstarch to the stained area.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Vacuum the baking soda or cornstarch off the fabric headboard.
  • Repeat if necessary.

Treating Ink Stains

  • Dab rubbing alcohol on the ink stain using a cotton ball.
  • Blot the stain with a clean cloth.
  • Repeat until the ink stain disappears.

Treating Wine Stains

  • Blot the stain with a clean cloth to remove any excess wine.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and dish soap in equal parts.
  • Apply the solution to the stained area of the fabric headboard.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the fabric headboard with clean water.

Treating Sweat Stains

  • Mix baking soda and water to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stained area of the fabric headboard.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to scrub the surface gently.
  • Rinse the fabric headboard with clean water.

Preventive Maintenance Tips for Fabric Headboards

Preventive maintenance is key to keeping your fabric headboard clean and fresh. Here are some tips to help you maintain your headboard’s condition:

  • Vacuum the headboard regularly to remove any dust or debris.
  • Rotate the headboard regularly to ensure that it wears evenly.
  • Avoid eating or drinking in bed to prevent spills and stains.
  • Use a fabric protector spray to prevent stains and dirt from penetrating the fabric.


Can I use bleach to clean my fabric headboard?

It is generally not recommended to use bleach to clean a fabric headboard, as bleach can cause damage to the fabric fibres and discoloration.

Instead, consider using a gentle cleaner specifically designed for fabric or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Can I steam clean my fabric headboard?

Steam cleaning can be a good option for cleaning a fabric headboard, as it can effectively remove dirt and grime without using harsh chemicals.

However, it is important to check the care instructions for your specific headboard and to use the appropriate temperature setting to avoid damaging the fabric.

Can I wash my fabric headboard in the washing machine?

It is not recommended to wash a fabric headboard in the washing machine, as the agitation and spin cycle can damage the fabric and cause it to lose its shape.

Instead, spot clean any stains and use a fabric cleaner or gentle soap to clean the entire headboard.

How often should I clean my fabric headboard?

The frequency of cleaning your fabric headboard will depend on factors such as how often it is used and how easily it collects dirt and dust.

As a general rule, it is a good idea to clean your headboard every few months or as needed if it becomes visibly dirty or stained.


Cleaning a fabric headboard may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tips and techniques, it can be done easily and efficiently. 

Vacuuming the headboard regularly, removing stains as soon as possible, and practising regular maintenance can help to keep your fabric headboard looking fresh and new for years to come. 

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy a clean and comfortable headboard.